This weekend marked the opening of MI4 in local theatres and the Cool Air crew gives two thumbs up.
One year after providing heating and cooling to various sets of Ghost Protocol during filming in Vancouver it was exciting to see the finished product. Oddly, with our city turning into various international destinations, the most obvious tell tale Vancouver sign was the Granville St bridge in the backdrop of the scene in “Seattle”. The cast and crew did a fantastic job of hiding the fact that we really don’t get any sandstorms in South Burnaby.

The edge of your seat excitement made it easy to forget about the elaborate sets that made it all possible…but would Tom really have driven a car off a platform without them?
Check out IMDb for more information on MI4 and your local theatre listings for showtimes. This one is definitely worth the IMAX Experience. The thought of climbing up the Burj Hotel in Dubai still makes me shudder.
